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Open Letter to the Plano Delegation Texas House Reps: Don't Bulldoze our Plano Neighborhoods

TNC Plano

Sent via email on Sunday, May 21, 2023

TO: Texas House Representatives Justin Holland, Jeff Leach, Candy Noble, Mihaela Plesa, and Matt Shaheen

CC: Plano Mayor John Muns, Deputy Mayor Kayci Prince, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Maria Tu, Plano Council Members Julie Holmer, Rick Horne, Anthony Ricciardelli, Rick Smith, and Shelby Williams

Dear Plano Delegation for the Texas House of Representatives:

I’m writing on behalf of the Plano chapter of the Texas Neighborhood Coalition. Our grassroots organization represents thousands of Plano residents. Our goal is to advocate for legislation and policies that preserve the quality of life in residential neighborhoods.

Our coalition is outraged that our state legislature is close to passing two bills that would bulldoze Plano neighborhoods and destroy our long-established and well-planned local zoning with no notice to existing property owners.

These bills are SB1412, the ADU bill, and SB1787, the mini-lot bill.

In the past weeks, TNC Plano chapter members have repeatedly contacted state legislators in an attempt to stop these bills. And yet these bills continue to move forward. SB1412 is set for a vote on the floor tomorrow, Monday, May 22, and SB1787 is scheduled for Tuesday, May 23.

Homeowners throughout Plano will be shocked and furious if either bill is enacted. We implore you to vote NO on these two bills and to persuade other state house representatives to do the same.

SB1412 would force Plano to void its well-planned and carefully constructed ADU ordinance that both helps our population age in place while maintaining the character of our neighborhoods. In contrast, SB1412 would prohibit Plano from requiring owner occupancy and familial relationships among other reasonable conditions. This bill would overturn years of work by the City of Plano to develop its own ADU ordinance—a law that was enacted to promote neighborhood stability, not destroy it.

SB1787 would allow developers to build 31 units per acre “by right.” Imagine FIVE three-story homes on a 7,500-square-foot lot in your single-family residential neighborhood. This bill will be forced upon Plano without consideration of the dramatic impact on population density, traffic, infrastructure needs, parking, and overall quality of life for existing homeowners.

Make no mistake: Either bill will encourage developers and investors to buy up single-family residential homes in Plano, demolish them, and build multiple units in their place.

PLEASE STOP SB1412, the ADU bill, and SB1787, the mini-lot bill.


Bill France

Texas Neighborhood Coalition, Plano Chapter



About TNC Plano

The Plano chapter of the Texas Neighborhood Coalition came into existence when a group of Plano residents saw an urgent need to save our neighborhoods from short-term rentals. Go to the TNC website to find other chapters and get more information about the TX Neighborhood Coalition. 

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